Get all service providers for the companies in your portfolio.
See query parameters for details on the following parameters:
Example Request
curl -u api_token:
Example Response
{ [ { "provider_guid":"cccccccc-7777-cccc-7777-cccccccccccc", "provider_name":"Example Corporation", "provider_industry":"Business Services", "product_types":[ "Enterprise Applications" ], "company_count":4, "product_count":1, "domain_count":5, "relative_importance":0.002467629699174716, "percent_dependent":0.1, "percent_dependent_company":0.1, "relative_criticality":"low" } ] }
Response Attributes
Field | Description |
provider_guidString [ entity_guid ] |
The unique identifier of this service provider. |
provider_nameString |
The name of this service provider. |
provider_industryString |
The industry this service provider belongs to. See the list of industries. |
product_typesArray |
This product’s business function. See the list of product types. |
company_countInteger |
The number of companies in this portfolio that depend on this service provider. |
product_countInteger |
The number of products in this portfolio that are provided by this service provider. |
domain_countInteger |
The number of domains that belong to this company that uses this product. |
relative_importanceDecimal |
A measurement of this product’s importance. See product importance. |
percent_dependentDecimal |
The percentage of assets (domains) in this response that depends on this service provider. |
percent_dependent_companyDecimal |
The percentage of companies in this response that depend on this service provider. |
relative_criticalityString |
Reiterates the relative_importance field. See product importance. |
Status Codes
See common errors and status codes.
Code | Description |
200 – Okay |
Everything worked as expected. |
401 – Unauthorized |
You do not have Bitsight for 4th Party subscriptions. |
- August 30, 2022: Added status codes.
- October 9, 2019: Added parameters.
- November 9, 2018: Added example response and response attributes.
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