Get an organization’s finding details.
- This includes the finding details of risk types that affect or will affect security ratings; Compromised Systems, Diligence (except Domain Squatting), and User Behavior (File Sharing).
Does not include Domain Squatting, Security Incidents, and Other Disclosures.
- This does not include Domain Squatting and Public Disclosures (Security Incidents and Other Disclosures), as their findings cannot be queried via the API.
- The return is limited to
results per page by default. Use thelimit
parameters to modify this limit. - To view all findings, ensure the
parameter is not included. It is used to filter findings that have an impact on the letter grade. - Refer to the pagination fields (
) to navigate multiple pages of results.
Risk Category Parameter
To get details on specific risk categories, use the risk_category
parameter along with the following comma-separated values [String]:
Compromised Systems
User Behavior
Risk Vector Parameter
To get details on specific risk vectors, use the risk_vector
parameter along with the following comma-separated values [String]:
Compromised Systems
Botnet Infections =
Spam Propagation =
Malware Servers =
Unsolicited Communications =
Potentially Exploited =
SPF Domains =
DKIM Records =
TLS/SSL Certificates =
TLS/SSL Configurations =
Open Ports =
Web Application Headers =
Patching Cadence =
Insecure Systems =
Server Software =
Desktop Software =
Mobile Software =
DNSSEC Records =
Mobile Application Security =
Web Application Security =
- Domain Squatting - Findings for this risk vector cannot be queried via the findings API.
User Behavior (File Sharing)
User Behavior = file_sharing
Query Parameters
See query parameters for details on the following parameters:
(default: ↻100
) -
(default: ↻100
) q
Parameter | Values |
affects_rating [Query] Filter by findings that have an impact on the letter grade. |
[Boolean] true = Include only the findings that have an impact on the letter grade. |
affects_rating_details [Query] Filter the result by the value of |
[String] Values may be used in combination.
assets.asset [Query] Filter by asset. |
assets.category [Query] Filter by asset importance. |
[String] See asset importance. |
assets.combined_importance [Query] Filter by combined asset importance. |
[String] Comma-separated asset importance. |
assets.hosted_by [Query] Filter by the hosting provider. |
[String] Hosting provider’s unique identifier [entity_guid ]. See GET: Portfolio Details. |
attributed_companies.guid [Query] Filter by companies in your Ratings Tree that are attributed to the finding. |
[Array] Comma-separated My Company or My Subsidiary unique identifiers [entity_guid ]. See GET: Portfolio Details. | [Query] Filter by companies in your Ratings Tree that are attributed to the finding. |
[Array] Comma-separated company names. |
details.cvss.base_gte [Query] Include findings with vulnerabilities with a CVSS score greater than or equal to this value. |
[Decimal] 1 to 10
details.cvss.base_lte [Query] Include findings with vulnerabilities with a CVSS score less than or equal to this value. |
[Decimal] 1 to 10
details.grade [Query] Filter by Diligence finding grade or N/A for Compromised Systems and User Behavior findings. Incompatible with |
[String] Finding grades:
details.grade_gt [Query] Include a range from the selected Diligence finding grade to GOOD. Incompatible with |
details.grade_lt [Query] Include a range from the selected Diligence finding grade to BAD. Incompatible with |
| [Query] Filter by infections. |
[String] Comma-separated infection names.
details.observed_ips_contains [Query] Include findings from a particular IP address. |
[String] IP Address |
details.vulnerabilities.severity [Query] Filter by vulnerability severity. |
[String] The Bitsight severity of vulnerabilities. |
evidence_key [Query] Filter by the company’s asset (domain or IP address) that’s attributed to the finding. |
expand [Query] Include additional information. |
first_seen [Query] Include findings that were first seen on this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
first_seen_gt [Query] Include findings that were first seen after this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
first_seen_gte [Query] Include findings that were first seen on and after this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
first_seen_lt [Query] Include findings that were first seen prior to this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
first_seen_lte [Query] Include findings that were first seen on and prior to this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
guid * [Path] Identify the company to query. |
[String] Portfolio company’s unique identifier [entity_guid ]. See GET: Portfolio Details. |
last_remediation_status_date [Query] Include findings that last had a remediation status change on this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
last_remediation_status_date_gt [Query] Include findings that last had a remediation status change after this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
last_remediation_status_date_gte [Query] Include findings that last had a remediation status change on and after this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
last_remediation_status_date_lt [Query] Include findings that last had a remediation status change prior to this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
last_remediation_status_date_lte [Query] Include findings that last had a remediation status change prior to and on this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
last_remediation_status_label [Query] Filter by the current remediation status of the finding. |
[String] The remediation status of the finding:
last_seen [Query] Include findings that were last seen on this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
last_seen_gt [Query] Include findings that were last seen after this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
last_seen_gte [Query] Include findings that were last seen on and after this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
last_seen_lt [Query] Include findings that were last seen prior to this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
last_seen_lte [Query] Include findings that were last seen on and prior to this date. Incompatible with |
[String] Date [YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
remediation_assignments [Query] Filter by users assigned to the findings. |
[String] Comma-separated user unique identifier [user_guid ]. See GET: Users. |
risk_vector_label [Query] Filter by particular risk vectors. Does not include Domain Squatting, Security Incidents, and Other Disclosures. |
[String] Comma-separated risk vector slug names. See risk types. |
severity [Query] Filter by finding severity. |
[Decimal] Severity. See range values. |
severity_gt [Query] Include finding severity that are of greater severity. |
[Decimal] Severity. See range values. |
severity_gte [Query] Include finding severity that are of greater or equal severity. |
[Decimal] Severity. See range values. |
severity_lt [Query] Include finding severity that are of lesser severity. |
[Decimal] Severity. See range values. |
severity_lte [Query] Include finding severity that are of lesser or equal severity. |
[Decimal] Severity. See range values. |
severity_category [Query] Filter by finding severity. |
[Decimal] Severity. See severities. |
tags_contains [Query] Filter by infrastructure tags. |
[String] Infrastructure tags, which are defined by the company to identify assets that belong to them. |
unsampled [Query] If you have Unsampled Findings [beta] enabled, get your My Company’s or My Subsidiary’s unsampled findingsdata. |
vulnerabilities [Query] Filter by vulnerability. |
[String] Comma-separated vulnerability name. |
Example Request
curl -u api_token:
Example Response
{ "links":{ "previous":null, "next":null }, "count":1, "results":[ { "temporary_id":"A9Jq47BBjea129322347d12e29c54b488752b3b71e", "affects_rating":false, "assets":[ { "asset":"", "identifier":null, "category":"high", "importance":0.09, "is_ip":true, "asset_type":"IP", "is_monitored":false } ], "details":{ "cvss": { "base": [ 10.0 ] }, "check_pass":"", ⊕ Details Vary by Risk Vector "evidence_key":"", "first_seen":"2019-05-29", "last_seen":"2019-12-20", "related_findings":[ ], "risk_category":"Diligence", "risk_vector":"open_ports", "risk_vector_label":"Open Ports", "rolledup_observation_id":"_aAAa1AA_a1aAA1A1aaAAa==", "severity":10.0, "severity_category":"severe", "tags":[ "Remote Office" ], "tag_details":[ { "guid":"4f99d64c-c3d8-4e08-b346-14f042e97116", "name":"Corporate Infra", "is_inherited":false, "is_public":false } ], "remediation_history":{ "last_requested_refresh_date":"2024-06-19", "last_refresh_status_date":"2024-06-23", "last_refresh_status_label":"failed", "last_refresh_reason_code":"asset unreachable" }, "asset_overrides":[ { "asset":"", "importance":"high", "override_importance":null } ], "duration":"7 days", "comments":"User from Actors Films said: \"Look at this finding\" at 2018-11-29 20:30 UTC;\nArnold Brown said: \"I changed the remediation status.\" at 2020-08-18 18:38 UTC", "remaining_decay":90, "remediated":false, "impacts_risk_vector_details":"AFFECTS_RATING" "attributed_companies":[ { "guid":"44444444-cccc-4444-cccc-444444444444", "name":"Actors Film Studio" } ] }, } ] }
Response Attributes
Field | Description | |||
linksObject |
Navigation for multiple pages of results. See pagination. | |||
previousString |
The URL to navigate to the previous page of results. | |||
nextString |
The URL to navigate to the next page of results. | |||
countInteger |
The number of findings. | |||
resultsArray |
Findings and their details. | |||
temporary_idString |
A temporary identifier for this finding. | |||
affects_ratingBoolean |
Indicates if this finding has an impact on the letter grade. | |||
assetsArray |
Details on assets attributed to the findings data. | |||
Object | An asset and its details. | |||
assetString |
The asset name. | |||
identifierString |
For internal Bitsight use. | |||
categoryString |
The Bitsight-calculated asset importance. | |||
importanceDecimal |
The Bitsight-calculated asset importance. | |||
is_ipBoolean |
true = This asset is an IP address. |
asset_typeString |
The type of asset. | |||
is_monitoredBoolean |
β This field is currently part of a beta feature. |
detailsObject |
Details of this finding. The included keys vary, depending on the risk type. | |||
cvssObject |
If the finding has an associated vulnerability, the CVSS score is listed below. | |||
baseArray |
The list of CVSS scores of vulnerabilities associated with this finding. | |||
check_passString |
For internal Bitsight use. | |||
evidence_keyString |
The company’s asset (domain or IP address) that’s attributed to the finding. The IP addresses of other companies are masked, in accordance with our responsible disclosure policy. Please review our terms and conditions, and then update your IP Visibility configurations accordingly. |
first_seenString [ YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
The date of the first observation. | |||
last_seenString [ YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
The date of the most recent observation. | |||
related_findingsArray |
Details of related findings. | |||
risk_categoryString |
The risk category associated with this finding. | |||
risk_vectorString |
The slug name of the risk vector associated with this finding. | |||
risk_vector_labelString |
The name of the risk vector associated with this finding. | |||
rolledup_observation_idString |
A stable and randomized identifier for findings. It is assigned to a finding when one or more observations with largely similar key properties occur in close succession. | |||
severityDecimal |
The severity of the finding, which is the measured risk that this finding introduces. | |||
severity_categoryString |
The slug name of the finding severity. | |||
tagsArray |
Infrastructure tags that help identify this asset. | |||
tag_detailsArray |
If the expand parameter is set to tag_details (?expand=tag_details ), infrastructure tag information is included. |
Object | The tag details. | |||
guidString [ tag_guid ] |
The tag unique identifier. | |||
nameString |
The tag name and value. | |||
is_inheritedBoolean |
true = The tag is inherited. |
is_publicBoolean |
true = The tag is publicly visible. |
remediation_historyObject |
If ?expand=remediation_history parameter is set, the remediation history of the finding is included. |
last_requested_refresh_dateString [ YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
The date when a finding refresh that included this finding was last requested. | |||
last_refresh_status_dateString [ YYYY‑MM‑DD ] |
The date when a refresh of the remediation status of this finding was last requested. | |||
last_refresh_status_labelString |
The current refresh status of this finding. | |||
last_refresh_reason_codeString |
The reason code for the refresh status. | |||
asset_overridesArray |
User-assigned asset importance details. | |||
assetString |
The domain or IP address. | |||
importanceString |
The user-assigned asset importance. | |||
override_importanceNull |
For internal Bitsight use. | |||
durationNull |
For internal Bitsight use. | |||
commentsString |
A thread of finding comments. | |||
remaining_decayInteger |
The remaining number of days for the finding to decay. | |||
remediatedBoolean |
true = This finding is remediated. |
impacts_risk_vector_detailsString |
This finding’s impact on the rating. | |||
attributed_companiesArray |
If the expand parameter is set to attributed_companies (?expand=attributed_companies ), attributed company details are included. |
guidString [ entity_guid ] |
The unique identifier of this company. | |||
nameString |
The name of this company. |
August 1, 2024: Added
field. - March 29, 2024: DMARC findings.
January 31, 2024:
query parameters.
How do we include unsampled findings in the results?
This endpoint is limited to 100 results per page by default. You can use the
parameters to change this default. Refer to the pagination fields (links
) to navigate multiple pages of results. Be sure theaffects_rating
parameter, which filters findings that have an impact on the letter grade, is set tofalse
.Hi guys. Is the JSON response for the GET-Finding_Details available as a JSON schema?
It is available as a JSON schema by default, even on a browser.
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