Vulnerability Detection
Vulnerability Detection: Actions
Vulnerability Detection Breakdown
Expand or collapse the Vulnerability Detection breakdown.
- Select View full breakdown to expand the breakdown.
- Select Hide breakdown to collapse the breakdown.
Export Vulnerability Detection Data (.csv)
Filter Vulnerability Detection
Search Vulnerability Detection
Instructions: Use the search field at the top-right of the table to search by vulnerability name.
View Vulnerability Detection Details
Instructions: Select a vulnerability from the table.
Vulnerability Detection: Breakdown
The breakdown in Vulnerability Detection contains the following information:
- Vulnerabilities detected in Portfolio – A chart showing confirmed vulnerabilities detected in your portfolio out of all Bitsight-supported vulnerabilities.
- Exposure 14 day Trend – The number of trending vulnerabilities during the past 14 days.
- Recently Supported Vulnerabilities – Vulnerabilities that were most recently added to the Bitsight platform.
Vulnerability Detection: Fields
- Category
- Identifies this as either a specific vulnerability or a vulnerability group.
- [Date] First Seen
- The date when this vulnerability was first detected in your portfolio.
- The Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) percentage, which estimates the likelihood that a software will be exploited. The higher the percentage the more likely it is to be exploited.
- Evidence Certainty
- Evidence certainty indicates how conclusively the evidence shows that a company is exposed to or has mitigated a vulnerability.
- Exposure Detected
- Companies exposed to this vulnerability in the past 60 days.
- Exposure Trend
- The trend in the number of companies in your portfolio that are exposed to this vulnerability compared to 14 days ago.
- Mitigation Detected
- Companies that have evidence of mitigation or do not have evidence of exposure in the past 60 days.
- Severity Details
The CVSS score of this vulnerability. For vulnerability groups, the highest CVSS affecting your portfolio is displayed for that group.
Learn more about the CVSS scoring model.
- Vulnerability
- The name of this vulnerability.
- Category
Filter by threats.
Values: vulnerabilities or vulnerability groups.
- Companies Exposed
Filter by the number of companies that are currently exposed to a vulnerability.
Values: A number range of companies (minumum & maximum).
- Companies Mitigated
Filter by the number of companies that have mitigated the vulnerability.
Values: The number range of companies (minumum & maximum).
- [Date] First Seen
Filter vulnerabilities by when they were first seen.
Values: A date range within the last…
- 7d (days)
- 1m (month)
- 3m (months)
- Custom
Filter by a range in EPSS %, which estimates the likelihood that a software will be exploited. The higher the percentage the more likely it is to be exploited.
Values: The EPSS % range (minimum & maximum).
- Exposure Trend
Filter by exposure trend.
- Increasing
- Flat
- Decreasing
- Folder
Filter by folder.
Values: Folder name.
- Severity Details
Filter by severity.
Values: 0-10 CVSS v3 score.
- Vulnerability Detected
- Include only detected vulnerabilities.
- Vulnerability Number
Filter by a specific vulnerability.
Values: Vulnerability name or CVE ID.
Vulnerability Details
The Vulnerability Details sheet provides details on a selected vulnerability.
Vulnerability Details: Actions
Expand or Collapse the Vulnerability Breakdown
Expand or collapse the Vulnerability Details breakdown.
- Select View full breakdown to expand the breakdown.
- Select Hide breakdown to collapse the breakdown.
Export Vulnerability Details (.csv)
Filter Vulnerability Details
Filter the table data by exposure status.
Instructions: Select the tab at the top of the table. Available tabs…
- Currently exposed
- Previously exposed
- Total exposed
Download the Vulnerability Detection Report (.pdf)
Instructions: Select Download Overview at the top-right of the Vulnerability Details page.
Filter Vulnerability Details
Search Related Clients
Search for a client relating to the vulnerability.
Instructions: Use the search bar at the top-right of the table to search by company name.
Send Questionnaire
- Select Send Questionnaire.
View a Client’s Evidence Details
View a client’s evidence details sheet. The details include:
- First seen & last seen dates.
- A summary of the exposure.
- Evidence records pertaining to this company.
- A workflow for inviting a vendor to collaborate via the Client/Vendor Access Program.
- A downloadable report for quick-sharing.
Instructions: Select a company from the table.
Vulnerability Details: Breakdown
The Breakdown in the Vulnerability Details page contains the following information:
Vulnerability Details:
- Vulnerability ID or Name
- Description
- Severity
- Remediation
- Current Exposure: The number of clients that may be exposed to this vulnerability.
- Questionnaires Sent: The number of questionnaires sent to clients and their completion rate.
Vulnerability Details: Fields
- Company Name
- The name of this company.
- [Date] First Seen
- The date when this vulnerability was first detected for this company.
- [Date] Last Seen
- The date when this vulnerability was last detected for this company.
- Evidence Certainty
- How conclusively Bitsight's evidence shows that a company is exposed to or has mitigated this vulnerability.
- Number of Vulnerabilities
- Indicates the number of vulnerabilities from the vulnerability group are present in this company.
- [Date]First Seen
Filter by first seen date.
Values: First seen in the past…
- 7d (days)
- 1m (month)
- 3m (months)
- Custom
- Last Seen
Filter by last seen date.
Values: Last seen in the past…
- 7d (days)
- 1m (month)
- 3m (months)
- Custom
- Evidence Certainty
Filter by the level of certainty that a company is exposed to or has mitigated a vulnerability.
Values: Certainty level.
- Folder
Filter by folder.
Values: Folder name.
- September 9, 2024: Currently Exposed field changed to Exposure Detected; Added EPSS field and filter; Added Evidence Certainty field; Previously Exposed field changed to Mitigation Detected; Added Companies Mitigated filter.
- January 31, 2024: Listed available actions; Vulnerability groups – Category filter & Number of Vulnerabilities field; Incorporated questionnaire workflows.
- February 27, 2023: Published.
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