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Tag Assets From the Findings Table – January 18, 2024



  • Scott Hislop

    Would be nice for you to provide an example of how effortless this really is.  And the third bullet point has a spelling error… I think “finings” should be “findings”.

  • Chinthani Jayasena

    The tagging feature is not fully functional across all Functionality other than  Attack Surface- "infrastructure" option.

    For example, if you need to download or list all the "Findings" by toggling "View Unsampled Findings," the tags will not work, and users will be unable to see the tag along with the finding identifier. 

    It is suggested to conduct a full round of testing before promoting this feature. We have reported this issue 2 years ago and still waiting for the fix.

  • Ingrid

    The incompatibility of tags and unsampled findings is a known issue. We plan to remove findings sampling limitations by the end of this year, which will eliminate this issue.


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