The Portfolio Risk Matrix quickly identifies high concentrations of risk and helps you prioritize action accordingly. Tiers are automatically grouped and organized based on criticality and security risk. The fully customizable tiering and risk threshold capabilities supports varying policy standards.
Requires 10 or more subscriptions among your total Total Risk Monitoring and Risk Monitoring quota.
This is accessible in the Portfolio Dashboard.
We recommend prioritizing your remediation and outreach efforts for the companies in the Escalate category and working towards the companies in the Monitor category. This ensures a strategic and efficient way to collaborate with your third parties for improving their risk posture.
Once tiers are set up, the Portfolio Risk Matrix is automatically displayed in your Portfolio Dashboard. Tiers can be used as filters to drive alerts on security ratings or risk vector grades and can be accessed from your portfolio menu, just like the folder functionality. If the Portfolio Risk Matrix is unavailable, please ensure you have configured your third parties into tiers.
Use the Edit Tiers and Thresholds link at the top-right to set a tier’s risk thresholds according to your organization’s risk tolerance. From the Tier Settings page, you can adjust the starting thresholds and add new thresholds.
The starting thresholds vary based on correlation to breach statistics. This can help identify critical risk and adapt your process to focus on what matters most.
- November 12, 2021: Added where to access the Portfolio Risk Matrix; “Manage Tiers” page renamed to “Tier Settings” page and linked to resource.
- June 2, 2020: Published.
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