Use the Compare tab in the National Cybersecurity portfolio (Portfolio ➔ All Companies | Tiers | Folders | Subscriptions ➔ Compare) to compare the performance of certain industries, tiers, and folders. The Comparison Data can compare up to 5 companies, industries, tiers, and folders. Select the View button to generate a Benchmarking report.
Company Search for Comparison
Search for companies to include in the data below the Comparison Data.
- Tier: Group and organize companies in your portfolio based on criticality and security risk.
- Rating Type: Curated, provisional, private, or self-published.
- Industry: Companies of a particular industry.
- Country: Companies with at least 1 IP address that geolocates to the selected country.
- Rating Category: Advanced, Intermediate, or Basic.
- Action Plans: Actionable phases based on criticality (defined by tier) and security risk (rating category).
- Risk Vector Grade: Letter grades A through F.
- Infection: Companies affected by selected malware.
- Vulnerability: Companies that are affected by a particular vulnerability.
- Open Port: Type and number of open ports.
- Public Disclosures: Incident categories – General Security Incident, Other Disclosure, Breach Security Incident.
- Software: Supported and unsupported software types. Find companies that are using unsupported software (out-of-date, missing latest updates). They are open to certain security risks until they update.
- Service Provider: Companies that handle or deliver services for other companies, such as web hosting, certificate signing, cloud infrastructure services, and email hosting.
- Product Type: The category of the service provided by the service provider’s product.
- December 20, 2021: Updated navigation instructions; Filters – Tier, Action Plans, & Public Disclosures.
- April 3, 2020: Published.
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