Manage your portfolio folders and their contents:
- List details about all folders.
- List details about a single folder.
- Update information about a folder and change its settings.
- Edit folder sharing.
- Create and delete folders.
- Add or remove organizations in your subscriptions to and from folders.
The folders API is meant to manage folders and their contents only. If you want to add an organization to your portfolio using the API (so that you can then add it to a folder), use the /subscriptions
endpoint to first subscribe, and then use the /folders
endpoint for sorting.
When using PATCH or POST HTTP methods, you will need to specify “application/json” in the Content-Type header and send the data payload as binary data.
Path | Purpose | Description |
/v1/folders |
GET: Folder Details | This returns each folder as separate objects and shared folders that are owned by you or are associated with you. Append a folder GUID to the URL for details of a single folder. |
/v1/folders/ |
POST: Create a Folder | Create a new folder. |
DELETE: Delete a Folder | Delete a folder and remove it from your portfolio. |
PATCH: Edit Folder Properties | Edit folder properties including how long companies will be in the folder (expiration), folder description, folder name, and sharing options. |
PATCH: Manage Shared Folder Permissions | Manage permissions for shared folders. |
PATCH: Add Companies to a Folder | Add companies to an existing folder. |
PATCH: Remove Companies from a Folder | Remove companies from a folder. |
GET: Findings in a Folder | See the presence of findings in a folder. |
GET: Ratings Graph Data of a Folder | Get the ratings graph data of a folder. |
GET: Products in a Folder | Get the enterprise products used in a folder. |
/v1/folders/folder_guid/products/product_guid/companies |
GET: Product Usage of Companies in a Folder | List the third parties in a folder that use a particular service provider product. |
GET: Product Types in a Folder | Get the product types that are used by all companies in a particular folder. |
GET: Service Providers in a Folder | Get the service providers that are used in particular folder. |
/v1/folders/folder_guid/providers/provider_guid/companies |
GET: Companies in a Folder that Depends on a Specific Service Provider | Get all companies within a folder that depends on a specific service provider. |
/v1/folders/folder_guid/providers/provider_guid/products |
GET: Products in a Specific Folder | Get the products of a particular service provider used by companies within a specific folder. |
- July 10, 2023: Removed PDF.
October 19, 2020: Added GET: Product Usage of Companies in a Folder [
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