This report looks at a selected company’s ratings history over the last 12 months. It includes daily data on the company’s security rating, rating percentile rank, and risk vector grades. The report is updated daily.
Generating this Report
- Open the Reports page in the CM app.
- Locate the Ratings History card.
- Mouseover the card and select Create.
- Select a company from the list. You can use the available filters or the search field to quickly find a specific company.
- Select View to generate the report.
Once generated, you can edit, save, schedule, Quick Share, or download the report as a CSV.
Reading this Report
The report lists the selected company’s daily rating over the past month. Each record includes:
- The date.
- The company’s Bitsight Security Rating.
- The company’s grade in each risk vector.
- The company’s percentile rank in each risk vector.
August 16, 2024: Published.
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