See your existing Company Requests to get a company added to the Bitsight inventory.
Version 2 is now available.
Example Request
curl '' --compressed -u api_token:
Example Response
[ { "guid":"1a1a1a1a-a1a1-1a1a-a1a1-1a1a1a1a1a1a", "domain":"", "request_date":"2019-07-17 21:09:33+00:00", "status":"Cancelled", "processed_company_guid":"feeccea4-e062-4cf5-9a3d-7034addb12d1" } ]
Response Attributes
Returns an array of objects containing requests and current statuses.
Field | Description |
guidString [ company_request_guid ] |
The unique identifier of the company request. |
domainString |
The name of the requested domain (hostname). |
request_dateString [ YYYY‑MM‑DD HH:MM:SS+00:00 ] |
The date and time (UTC) of the request. |
statusString |
The status of the request. |
processed_company_guidString [ entity_guid ] |
The unique identifier of the requested company. This value is null if the status is Could not process domain , Unable to process , or Pending . |
- May 3, 2021: New “Could Not Process Domain” request status.
- July 20, 2020:
now available.
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