This report presents a synopsis of a company’s performance compared to its industry peers. It shows the overall change in the company’s security rating, its position in its peer group, and a summary of risk vector status as compared to the industry average (Above, Below, Same). This report updates quarterly, not in real time.
Generating this Report
- Open the Reports page in the SPM app.
- Locate the Company Preview card.
- Mouseover the card and select Create.
- Select a company from the list. You can use the available filters or the search field to quickly find a specific company.
- Select View to generate the report.
Once generated, you can edit, save, schedule, Quick Share, or download the report as a PDF.
Reading this Report
The top of this report shows the change in a company’s security rating over the last quarter. It indicates how much better or worse the current rating is compared to the company’s industry peer group.
Below, the report lists the company’s risk vector grades and indicates if the grade in a risk vector is above, below, or the same as the industry average.
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