This report provides a snapshot of the current Bitsight rating and risk vector grades at companies in your portfolio at a specific point and time. Export and review this report to spot trends in the data.
Generating this Report
- Open the Reports page in the CM app.
- Locate the Portfolio Ratings card.
- Mouseover the card and select Create.
- Choose whether to display risk vector grades in the report.
- Select one or more companies from the list displayed. You can use the filters or search for a specific company to narrow down your options. There is no limit to the number of companies you can select.
- Select View to create the report.
Once generated, you can edit, save, schedule, Quick Share, or download the report as a CSV.
Reading this Report
This report generates a table of security ratings at selected companies. You may choose to include risk vector grades for those companies as well. The table includes the following columns:
Column Name | Description |
Company ID | The GUID assigned to the company. |
Custom ID | The Custom ID assigned to the company, if any. |
Company Name | The name of the company. |
Security Ratings | The current security rating of the company. |
IP Addresses | The number of IP addresses attributed to the company. |
Industry | The industry of the company. |
August 16, 2024: Published.
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