The Risk Vectors page provides a comparison of your peer group’s risk vector performance.
Risk Vector Gap Analysis
Use the Risk Vector Gap Analysis panel in the Risk Vectors tab to see how companies in your peer group are performing by risk vector.
- The rows indicate the impact of the risk vector towards the rating. From the top to bottom rows, they are considered as High, Medium, or Low impact.
- The columns indicate the ranking of the selected company in their security performance, by risk vector. From the left to right columns, they are considered as the best, in line with, or worst performing risk vectors within the peer group.
- The gray, light orange, orange, and red color gradient indicate which of the risk vectors to prioritize. From the bottom-left to top-right color gradation, they are considered as Low, Medium, High, or Critical priority.
Risk Vector Details
For Compromised Systems risk vectors, this compares the Adjusted Number of Events (Yearly rate) with the Average Event Duration (Days) to show the number of findings for the selected risk vector that needs to be solved, in order to get from the current letter grade to the desired letter grade.
For most Diligence risk vectors, this compares the number of records for each risk vector grade level.
For the Patching Cadence risk vector, this compares the time to remediate in weeks for each risk vector grade level.
- Risk vector details are adjusted to have more meaningful comparisons and ensure the displayed reference values are useful for guidance in defining your security performance goals. Learn more about how Peer Analytics data is adjusted.
- This does not include companies with 0 events.
Compromised Systems
Compromised Systems chart:
- Hover over the chart to view the associated metrics (event counts, event duration, and number of affected companies in the peer group).
- Click the letter grade, peer medians, or selected company at the bottom of the chart to display or hide specific details.
Chart Options
- Ensure the “Log scale” checkbox is checked for better visibility by scaling the distribution range.
- Check the “Outliers” checkbox to include the outlying data.
- Letter Grade (Dot): Companies in your peer group.
- Peer Medians (Large Dot): The median values of each letter grade.
- Selected Company (Diamond): Your selected company.
Diligence data boxplot chart:
- Hover over the chart to view the associated metrics (record type, companies, the median record grade, and percentile).
- Click the record grade at the bottom of the chart to display or hide specific details.
See the boxplot key below.
File Sharing
File Sharing data boxplot chart:
- Hover over the chart to view the associated metrics (application or non-application events, companies, median, and percentile).
- Click the application and non-application events at the bottom of the chart to display or hide specific details.
Application events are considered more high-risk than all other File Sharing categories (non-application events).
Patching Cadence
- Grade Distribution: Identify where your risk vector grade stands in comparison to the peer group. Includes the peer group’s median and top 25% risk vector grades.
- Time To Remediate: Compare the time to remediate Patching Cadence findings across your peer group companies. See How is the Patching Cadence Risk Vector Assessed? to learn more about how time to remediate affects your risk vector grade.
- Percent Unremediated: Review the percent of unremediated Patching Cadence findings and compare it to peer group companies by grade.
- Time to Remediate by Grade: Compare the average time to remediate findings of different severity levels for each risk vector grade.
- Hover over the boxplot chart to view the associated metrics (record type, companies, the median record grade, and percentile).
- Click a severity at the bottom of the boxplot chart (Severe, Material, Moderate, Minor) to display or hide different severity levels.
See the boxplot key below.
Boxplot key:
- The whiskers (dotted line) shows the range of the outliers.
- The top of the box shows the top 25th percentile.
- The thick line of the box indicates the median.
- The bottom of the box shows the bottom 25th percentile.
- The spacing between the different parts of the box indicate the degree of dispersion (spread) of the event data.
- August 10, 2024: Patching Cadence is now available in Risk Vector Gap Analysis.
- May 19, 2023: Moved to the Peer Comparison menu.
- April 16, 2021: Updated navigation for the SPM Application.
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