A ratings tree is a depiction of an organization’s company hierarchy in the Bitsight platform.
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Parts of a Ratings Tree
Each company in a ratings tree is contained in a node. Nodes can be expanded or collapsed to show different levels of detail about the company they represent; select the arrow in the top right corner of a node to expand or collapse it.
When a node is collapsed, it displays the company’s headline rating, its rating category, and its ratings types, if any. When a node is expanded, it also displays:
- The company’s rating gauge, their rating category, and select rating designations.
- The number of companies monitoring this company.
- The number of IP addresses attributed to this company.
- A toggle to add the company to benchmarking.
- A More Details option. Select this option to reveal:
- A brief description of the company.
- The company’s industry.
- The subscription type used to monitor the company.
Icon | Description |
Basic Rating | The company is in the basic rating category. |
Intermediate Rating | The company is in the intermediate rating category. |
Advanced Rating | The company is in the advanced rating category. |
Privately Published Company | The rating is private, available internally only to the publishing organization. |
Not Subscribed | You are not subscribed to the company. |
Primary Rating | Highlighted as the primary. |
Rating Bundle | This company is part of a rating bundle. |
Nodes on a ratings tree are organized into branches. From left to right, each branch represents the next level down in the company’s hierarchy of subsidiaries. If multiple subsidiaries in one branch have their own subsidiaries, the next level of the ratings tree will contain two branches.
If a node has a branch, the ratings tree displays a black box next to it. The box indicates how many subsidiaries are contained in the branch. Selecting the box expands or collapses the branch.
Collapsing a branch also collapses any branches beneath it in the ratings tree.
Navigating a Ratings Tree
- Scroll left, right, up, or down to move to different parts of a ratings tree.
- Zoom in or out using the zoom slider.
- Select the Target button to return to the company highlighted in the context switcher.
To search the tree for a specific company, enter its primary name, domain, or IP address into the search box at the top. Only the relevant company and its parents are shown; your search text is highlighted in yellow. The results include both subscribed and unsubscribed companies.
Available within the SPM application.
Filter | Description | Values |
Country | Filter companies with at least 1 IP address that geolocates to the selected country. | Country name. |
Folder | Show only companies in a particular folder. | Folder name. |
Infections | Filter companies affected by selected infections. | Malware name. |
Industry | Filter companies in a particular industry. | Industry name. |
Open Ports | Filter port number or services running on that port. | Port number by services (detected, typical, potentially vulnerable). See finding messages. |
Product | Filter service provider products. | Product name. |
Product Type | Filter service provider product types. | Product type. |
Public Disclosures | Filter by companies that are affected by an incident type. | |
Rating Type | Filter by rating type. | Rating type. |
Risk Vector Grade | Filter by how a company is performing in particular risk type. | A-F |
Security Rating | Filter by a security rating. | Security rating range. |
Service Provider | Filter companies that are dependent on a particular service provider. | Service provider name. |
Show Hidden | Include privately-published companies. | Show Hidden (Privately Self-Published) |
Software | Filter companies using a particular software and software support status. |
Subscription Type | Filter by subscription type. | Subscription name. |
Vulnerabilities | Filter companies with a particular vulnerability. | Vulnerability name or CVE ID. |
- August 28, 2023: Filtering within the SPM app.
- March 14, 2023: Insurance app navigation instructions.
- February 17, 2023: Search by IP address.
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