Company metadata is information about a company, usually taken from their official website. It is used to identify and categorize organizations in the Bitsight platform. It is presented as company information and is displayed in:
SPM App: Company Details
CM App: Overview
Insurance App: Overview
If information is not available or is insufficient, we may collect metadata from trusted data providers or platforms. Learn more about the network mapping process.
Data Quality
To maintain consistent and accurate information, we have specific guidelines to associate the metadata with an organization. The information we consider includes:
- Employee Count: The total number of employees working at the organization. It is used to normalize Bitsight Security Ratings.
- Industry: The organization’s primary industry, based on standardized categories.
- Legal Name: The company or organization’s full, official legal name. We avoid abbreviations, nicknames, or trade names that do not match official records.
- Logo: The organization’s logo, as displayed across the Bitsight platform. The file allowed file formats are PNG, JPG, and SVG.
Primary Domain: The main website for the organization, entered as a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), e.g.,
- January 8, 2025: Published.
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