Get information about a company (including companies your organization and companies in your portfolio) and manage company information. The information includes:
- Company Data
- Cyber Insurance
- Portfolio
- 4th Party
- Statistics
- Findings and Observations
- Infrastructure
- Peer Analytics
Each /companies/company_guid path provides information about a single company. To access information about all companies in your portfolio, refer to the Portfolio or CNI Portfolio API endpoints.
Company Data
Path | Purpose | Description |
GET: Company Details | Get a company’s details, including: Their rating, rating history, risk vector grades, company info and relationship. |
GET: Country Details | Get 1 year of Bitsight data of subscribed countries. |
GET: Assets | Get a company’s asset information (domains and IP addresses), including asset importance and the number of findings. |
GET: Asset Risk Matrix | Get the counts and the severity of security findings for a given company. |
GET: Ratings Tree | Retrieve a company’s information, followed by all of its subsidiaries. Since subsidiaries may also possess its own subsidiary that are related to the parent company as part of the bundle, this path continues past the first generation when returning subsidiary data. |
GET: IP Address by Country | Get the number of IP addresses for an organization’s IP address space by country. |
GET: Download NIST CSF Report | Get a high-level summary of an organization‘s alignment with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology’s cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) using Bitsight risk vectors and existing data as evidence. |
GET: Preview Report with Industry Comparison | Get a synopsis of how a company is performing compared to its industry peers. |
GET: Ratings History | Get a CSV file containing a history of a particular company’s security ratings over the past year. |
GET: Risk Vectors Summary | Get a summary of a company’s risk vector performance. A CSV will be downloaded to your desktop. |
/v1/companies/infrastructure/requests/summaries |
GET: Company Requests Summary | Get a summary of your organization’s company requests. |
Cyber Insurance
Path | Purpose | Description |
GET: Compare Client to the Underwriting Guidelines | Compare a client’s risk vectors and their grades to your underwriting guidelines. |
Path | Purpose | Description |
PATCH: Highlight Primary or Assign Custom ID | Highlight a primary for your organization or assign a custom ID for a portfolio company. |
GET: Tiering Recommendation |
The Tier Recommender helps make intelligent decisions around vendor tiering and allows you to onboard new vendors to your Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) program faster. Get tiering recommendations. |
/v1/companies/distribution |
GET: Rating Distribution by Rating Category | Get the rating distribution for all companies in the Bitsight inventory by rating category. This helps compare your own portfolio composition against the Bitsight ecosystem. |
GET: Company Search | Search for a company in the Bitsight inventory by name or domain. |
/v1/companies/search/trending |
GET: Trending Companies | See 20 companies that have been actively searched and viewed by other Bitsight users during the past week, as presented in the Trending Vendors card in the Portfolio Dashboard. |
4th Party
Path | Purpose | Description |
GET: Products in a Ratings Tree | Get service provider products that are used by companies in a ratings tree. |
/v1/companies/company_guid/company-tree/products/product_guid/companies |
GET: Product Usage of Companies in a Ratings Tree | List the third parties in a Ratings Tree that use a particular service provider product. |
GET: Product Types in a Ratings Tree | List the product types used by all companies in the Ratings Tree of a third party. |
GET: Service Providers of a Third Party | Get all service providers for the entire ratings tree of one of the companies you’re monitoring. |
/v1/companies/company_guid/company-tree/providers/provider_guid/companies |
GET: Dependency on a Specific Service Provider in a Ratings Tree | Get the companies in a ratings tree that depend on a specific service provider. |
/v1/companies/company_guid/company-tree/providers/provider_guid/products |
GET: Products of a Specific Service Provider in a Ratings Tree | Get the products provided to companies within a ratings tree by a specific service provider. |
GET: Enterprise Products Used by a Single Domain | Get the enterprise products that are used by a particular company from a single domain. |
/v1/companies/company_guid/domains/domain_name/providers |
GET: Service Providers for a Specific Domain | Get the service providers of the products used in a specific domain. |
GET: Products of a Company | Get the enterprise products used at the domains of a particular company. |
POST: Products of a Company | Get the enterprise products used at the domains of a particular company. |
/v1/companies/company_guid/products/product_guid/domains |
GET: Domains of a Company Using a Specific Product | List the domains that belong to a company using a specific service provider product. |
GET: Service Providers of a Specific Company | Get the service providers that a specific company depends on. |
/v1/companies/company_guid/providers/provider_guid/domains |
GET: Shared Service Provider Domains | Get the domains that are shared by a company and their service provider. |
Path | Purpose | Description |
GET: Diligence Finding Counts of a Company | Get the number of Diligence findings of a company. |
GET: Diligence Statistics | Get Diligence statistics of a company. |
GET: Industry Statistics | Get industry statistics for a company. |
/v1/companies/company_guid/observations/statistics?fields=risk_types |
GET: Statistics | Get Compromised Systems statistics of a company during the past 1 year. The data includes the number of findings by risk vector and the average event duration in days. |
GET: User Behavior Statistics | Get User Behavior statistics of a company. |
Findings and Observations
Path | Purpose | Description |
GET: Finding Details | Get an organization’s finding (events and records) details. |
GET: Findings Statistics | Get findings statistics of a company. |
GET: Findings Summaries | Summarized findings data for a company in your ratings tree. |
GET: Findings Summary of a Company | See the presence of infection, server software, or vulnerability findings in a company. |
GET: Detailed Company Observations | View detailed observations for a company. |
Path | Purpose | Description |
GET: Asset Summaries | Summarized asset data for a company in your ratings tree. |
GET: My Infrastructure Report | Get or download a CSV of your infrastructure information. |
GET: Infrastructure Changes | See changes in your organization’s infrastructure and details about the change. |
GET: Infrastructure Attribution Reasons | View the reason why an IP or CIDR has been attributed to your organization from the Attribution tab. |
GET: My Infrastructure |
Identify IP addresses and domains attributed to your organization in an automated way, stay informed of existing infrastructure elements and new items that are added to the list, and also work with registrars (if applicable) to keep registrations up-to-date. Recommended: GET: My Infrastructure Report is available and is recommended over this endpoint. |
/v1/companies/infrastructure/requests/ |
GET: Company-Provided Assets | See your Company-Provided Assets. |
/v1/companies/infrastructure/bulk |
POST: Add Assets in Bulk | Set an end date for infrastructure or add assets to your infrastructure. The source of added assets are considered to be "company"-provided.” |
/v1/companies/infrastructure/expiration |
POST: Set an End Date for Company-Provided Assets | Set an end date for a company-provided asset. |
Peer Analytics
Path | Purpose | Description |
GET: Peer Group Information | Get your peer group information. |
July 15, 2024: GET: Findings Statistics [
] and GET: Findings Summaries [v1/companies/company_guid/findings/summaires
]. -
August 17, 2023: GET: Company Requests Summary [
] -
May 17, 2023: GET: My Infrastructure Report [
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