Version 2 is now available.
Use this to get account details of a user in your organization.
Alternatively, /v1/users/current
queries your user account.
* Required.
Parameter | Values |
user_guid * [Path] Identify the user to query. |
[String] User unique identifier [user_guid ]. See GET: Users. |
Example Request
curl '' -u api_token:
Example Response
{ ⊕ GET: Users "date_joined":"2018-05-21T19:15:01Z", "product_access":[ ⊗ For Internal Bitsight Use ], "customer":{ "guid":"12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab", "name":"Example", "my_company_guid":"aaaabbbb-1122-3344-cccc-dddd55555eee", "my_company_subsidiaries":[ "12312312-abcd-abcd-1234-abcabcabcabc", "babababa-1212-abab-1212-abababababab" ], "show_partner_logo":false, "partner":null, "sales_manager":null, "has_mobile_risk":false, "is_federal_agency":false, "has_accepted_federal_agency_disclaimer":false }, "group":{ "guid":"ffffffff-cccc-4444-4444-fffcccfffccc", "name":"All Companies" }, "last_login":"2020-01-17T18:45:25Z", "last_login_excluding_current":{ "ipaddress":"", "time":"2020-01-17T15:29:17Z" }, "features":{ ⊗ For Internal Bitsight Use }, "roles":[ { "name":"Customer Admin", "presentation":"Admin", "permissions":[ ⊕ User Permissions ] } ], "permissions":[ ⊕ User Permissions ], "has_accepted_darkweb":false, "release_notes_unseen_count":0, "country_entities_count":25, "homepage_url":"/dashboard/" }
Response Attributes
Field | Description | |
date_joinedString [ YYYY‑MM‑DDTHH:MM:SSZ ] |
The date and time when this user’s account was created. | |
product_accessArray |
For internal Bitsight use. | |
customerObject |
Details of your organization’s Bitsight account. | |
guidString [ account_guid ] |
The unique identifier of your organization’s Bitsight account. | |
nameString |
The name of your organization’s Bitsight profile. | |
my_company_guidString [ entity_guid ] |
The unique identifier of your company. | |
my_company_subsidiariesArray [ entity_guid ] |
The unique identifiers of companies in your organization. | |
show_partner_logoBoolean |
For internal Bitsight use. | |
partnerString |
For internal Bitsight use. | |
sales_managerString |
For internal Bitsight use. | |
has_mobile_riskBoolean |
For internal Bitsight use. | |
is_federal_agencyBoolean |
true = Your organization is a federal agency. |
has_accepted_federal_agency_disclaimerBoolean |
For internal Bitsight use. | |
groupObject |
Contains details of this user's Access Control Group. | |
guidString [ group_guid ] |
The unique identifier of this user’s group. | |
nameString |
The name of this user’s group. | |
last_loginString [ YYYY‑MM‑DDTHH:MM:SSZ ] |
The date and time when this user last logged into the Bitsight platform. | |
last_login_excluding_currentObject |
Details of this user's previous session in the platform. | |
ipaddressString |
The IP address used to log in to the Bitsight platform. | |
timeString [YYYY‑MM‑DDTHH:MM:SSZ] |
The date and time when this user last logged into the Bitsight platform. | |
featuresObject |
Bitsight platform features that are enabled for this user. | |
rolesArray |
Details of this user’s role. See user roles. | |
nameString |
The name of this role. | |
presentationString |
The name of this role, as displayed in the Bitsight platform. | |
permissionsArray |
The permissions of this role. | |
permissionsArray |
This user’s permissions. | |
has_accepted_darkwebBoolean |
true = The Dark Web feature is enabled for this user. |
release_notes_unseen_countInteger |
[Deprecated] The number of unread release notes. | |
country_entities_countInteger |
The number of countries that are being monitored in this user’s National Cybersecurity account. | |
homepage_urlString |
The path to this user’s landing page in the Bitsight platform. |
- May 20, 2020: Published.
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