Get the users within your Bitsight account.
See query parameters for details on the following parameters:
(Default: ↻100
) -
(Default ↻100
) -
– See response attributes. sort
Parameter | Values |
[Query] Filter by the user’s email address. |
[String] |
email_q [Query] Search by the user’s email address. |
[String] |
formal_name_q [Query] Search by the user’s full name. |
[String] |
group.guid [Query] Filter the Access Control Group of the user. |
[Array] Comma-separated group unique identifiers [group_guid ]. See GET: Access Control Groups. |
guid [Query] Filter by a specific user. |
[String] User unique identifier [user_guid ]. |
is_available_for_contact [Query] Filter by subscription contact. |
[Boolean] true = Include subscription contacts. |
is_company_api_token [Query] Filter by actual users or user accounts for the company API token. |
[Boolean] true = Include user accounts that are company API tokens. |
roles.slug [Query] Filter by user role. |
[Array] Comma-separated user role slug name. See user roles. |
status [Query] Filter by user account status. |
[Array] Comma-separated user account status.
Example Request
curl '' -u api_token:
Example Response
{ "links":{ "next":"", "previous":"" }, "count":123, "results":[ { "guid":"33333333-dddd-3333-dddd-dddddddddddd", "friendly_name":"Diane Jones", "formal_name":"Diane Jones", "email":"", "group":{ "guid":"dddddddd-3333-dddd-3333-dddddddddddd", "name":"Central Pacific" }, "landing_page":"DEFAULT", "status":"Activated", "last_login_time":"2021-01-29T20:44:53.879238Z", "joined_time":"2020-07-16T21:11:23Z", "roles":[ { "name":"Admin", "slug":"customer_admin" } ], "is_available_for_contact":false, "is_company_api_token":false, "features":[ { "slug":"wfh-ro", "value":true, "can_update":false } ], "preferred_contact_for_entities":[ "1b3d260c-9e23-4e19-b3a5-a0bcf67d74d9" ], "mfa_status":"not_enabled" } ] }
Response Attributes
Field | Description | ||||
links Object |
Navigation for multiple pages of results. See pagination. | ||||
next String |
The URL for navigating to the next page of results. | ||||
previous String |
The URL for navigating to the previous page of results. | ||||
count Integer |
The number of users. | ||||
results Array |
User details. | ||||
Object | A user. | ||||
guid String [ |
The unique identifier of this user. | ||||
friendly_name String |
The preferred name of this user. | ||||
formal_name String |
The full name of this user. | ||||
String |
The email address of this user. | ||||
group Object |
Access Control Group details of this user. | ||||
guid String [ |
The unique identifier of this group. | ||||
name String |
The name of this group. | ||||
landing_page String |
The landing page set by this user when first logging in to the Bitsight platform. Switching to an application negates this configuration.
status String |
The account status of this user. | ||||
last_login_time String [ |
The date and time when this user last logged in to the Bitsight platform. | ||||
joined_time String [ |
The date and time when this user was added to the Bitsight platform. | ||||
roles Array |
The roles of this user. See user roles. | ||||
Object | A user role. | ||||
name String |
The name of this role. | ||||
slug String |
The slug name of this role. | ||||
is_available_for_contact Boolean |
true = This user is assigned as a subscription contact to be notified when other users request to add companies to the portfolio. |
is_company_api_token Boolean |
true = This user account is a company API token and is not an actual user. |
features Array |
User-managed feature details of this user. See features. | ||||
Object |
A feature. | ||||
slug String |
The slug name of this feature. | ||||
value Boolean |
true = This feature is enabled for this user. |
can_update Boolean |
true = This user can manage settings for this feature. |
preferred_contact_for_entities Array [ |
Companies where this user is their preferred contact. | ||||
mfa_status String |
The multi-factor or 2-factor authentication (2FA) status of this user. Values: |
- Jaunary 3, 2025: Linked to user management permissions; Linked to subscription contact definition; Linked to enforced 2FA information and configuration instructions.
August 25, 2021: Added
, &mfa_status
fields. - May 26, 2020: Published.
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