Bitsight Partners
- Integration
- HackNotice
- Netskope Discovered Vendors: Solving the Shadow IT Supply Chain Issue
- Supply Wisdom
- Netskope
- Netskope CCI/CCL on Scans
Microsoft Azure Sentinel
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Power BI
- Microsoft Power BI Integration
- Microsoft Power BI for Continuous Monitoring
- Microsoft Power BI for Security Performance Management
- Connecting Bitsight & Microsoft Power BI Desktop
- Changing Your Company GUID for Microsoft Power BI
- Updating the Microsoft Power BI Integration
- Bitsight and OneTrust Vendorpedia Integration
- Bitsight and OneTrust Vendorpedia Integration Guide
- Bulk Update Your OneTrust Vendors and Connect to the Bitsight Platform
- Configuring OneTrust
- Create Your OneTrust Credentials
- Customize Your OneTrust Views
Palo Alto Cortex
- Third Party Risk Management Integration Guide
- About ServiceNow
- Bitsight for IT Service Management by ServiceNow
- Bitsight for IT Service Management by ServiceNow: Integration Guide
- Bitsight for IT Service Management by ServiceNow: SPM Connector Script
- BitSight for IT Service Management by ServiceNow: Integration Troubleshooting
- About Splunk
- Bitsight Security Performance Management for Splunk
- Bitsight Work from Home - Remote Office for Splunk
- Add-on Tabs for Splunk
- Bitsight Data and the Splunk Common Information Model Mapping
- Installing the Splunk Enterprise App and Add-on